What the Clit?
The clitoris is a corpora cavernosa of which you can only see the sensitive glans on the outside. The internal part of the clitoris consists of four corpora cavernosa that reach the vagina.
The glans of the clitoris has over 10,000 nerve endings (the glans of a penis
has an average of 4000 nerve endings). When excited, the erectile tissue fills with
blood, just like a penis becoming erect.
The vaginal wall also becomes swollen and moist. If you want pleasurable penetrative sex, your entire clit must be swollen. People with a clit also get 'an erection', only you can't see it.
Penetration is only enjoyable with a stiff penis, and you avoid pain and a burning sensation afterwards.
Moreover, through good sex your body learns that it is something fun and the next time will be fun(er)!
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Source: Susan Meijburg - SWN
Also interesting:
* Noordhoff includes clitoris in teaching method
* Women can get an erection too